Overcoming the Challenges of Life with Usher 1F

Ryan Bondroff is an adult with Usher 1F. He describes a few insights into his life as a deafblind person.

Usher Syndrome 1F does not stop me from accomplishing so many things. I have a national professional job with a national telecommunications company where I am a consumer relations manager for the DeafBlind community. With supports, I travel extensively for work, and I love to travel and meet new people. On a recent vacation, I traveled to the United Kingdom with my DeafBlind friend. We traveled without having a Support Service Provider (SSP), which was fun and challenging. I am active in the DeafBlind community in various ways.

Without a cure, I need the SSP program that is designed to provide communication access/visual/environmnental supports to the Deafblind people who need it the most. It is a very, very long way to get funding from the government to support the SSP program. We rely heavily on others to support our needs, which is not a good thing to do.